Cause and Prevention of Common Vein Conditions

Unsightly veins on your legs may be trying to tell you something, but what? If you’ve seen the appearance of bulging veins or blood vessels on your skin, you may have a vein condition. Understanding the cause and prevention of...

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The Venous Ultrasound: How It Works

Medical technology has revolutionized the world of healthcare. Every day, new discoveries and practices are being implemented that result in better diagnoses, treatments, and overall patient experience. The use of ultrasound is a very common and risk-free tool that is...

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Pregnant woman's belly

When Pregnancy Veins Won’t Go Away

One of the many ways pregnancy can affect a woman’s body is through the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. Although not all women develop them during pregnancy, they are more common after multiple pregnancies and in women with...

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