A Close-up of spider veins on a woman’s thigh

Why Am I Suddenly Seeing Spider Veins?

Spider veins are small veins that appear in clusters, resembling spiderwebs or tree branches. While spider veins are not a medical concern, many individuals treat them for cosmetic reasons. Are you wondering why you are suddenly seeing spider veins? Find...

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A man scheduling a vein screening appointment on his cell phone

Reasons to Schedule a Vein Screening

Do your legs feel achy or stiff at the end of the day? Do you experience unexplained leg pain? If you haven’t made any substantial changes to your daily routine, or if you’re getting older, circulation health could be to...

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A closeup of a person’s legs with varicose veins

Compression Therapy for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are those unsightly bulging veins that you often see on legs or feet. If you have them, you’re probably aware of the discomfort or pain they can cause—especially after a long day of standing or sitting. Compression therapy...

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A vein doctor examines spider veins on a leg to determine if sclerotherapy is needed

Sclerotherapy – How Long Does It Last?

The state-of-the-art treatment for eliminating unsightly or bothersome veins is sclerotherapy. This popular, minimally invasive treatment is highly effective in reducing the symptoms and appearance of certain veins. But a common question about sclerotherapy is how long does it last?...

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A woman in a bathing suit showing spider veins her leg

Can Spider Veins Come Back After Treatment?

You’ve seen them before. And now you’re seeing them again! Those pesky, unattractive spider veins. Perhaps you originally had them around your ankles or on your thighs and you sought treatment. Now they seem to have reappeared, and you’re asking,...

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Close-up of woman’s feet with spider veins in pink high heels

Spider Veins on Ankles and How To Treat Them

Do you have clusters of red, blue, or purple veins on your ankles or feet? Are these veins thin and close to the surface of the skin? If so, it sounds like you have spider veins. Many people come to...

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