Chemical Peels for Acne Scars

Chemical Peels for Acne Scars

When it comes to acne, getting a pimple is just the tip of the iceberg. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to reduce or eliminate breakouts fast. Face washes, acne creams, and even medication can help. But for many, it’s the acne aftermath of scars causes concern. And it’s the reason why so many people are turning to chemical peels for acne scars.

Why Acne Scarring Occurs

When acne cysts are painfully inflamed and penetrate deeper skin layers, the risk for scarring increases. Scarring is a result of the healing response initiated by the immune system.

As acne nodules diminish, the immune system tells the body to produce more collagen. Collagen is a protein used to support skin firmness and overall health.

Too much or too little collagen determines the severity of acne scarring. For example, depressed or “caved-in” scars occur when there is not enough collagen to repair skin damage. Scars that appear raised above the surface of the skin indicate the release of too much collagen.


Raised acne scars are seen more frequently in people of color. Depressed acne scars predominantly affect lighter-skinned individuals.

Reducing the Appearance of ScarsOne of the most effective treatments to reduce the appearance of acne scars is a chemical peel. Chemical peels smooth away scar ridges and indentations. They safely and gently exfoliate the topmost layers of your skin.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels use various concentrations of alpha-hydroxy, trichloroacetic, and/or glycolic acid. A licensed medical professional will apply the concentrate to areas with scarring. This helps eliminate damaged skin cells and speeds up regeneration. As the peel stimulates collagen production by causing a mild wound event, old skin cells are replaced by new, healthy skin cells.


Chemical peels take about an hour to complete. After a peel, you should expect some redness like a sunburn. Mild chemical peels may be performed every two or three weeks. Minimize itching by keeping your skin hydrated or using a cold compress.

Severe acne scarring may require a “deep” chemical peel. This type of peel may use phenol to penetrate deeper into the skin. Communicate openly with your doctor to achieve the best results.

In addition to reducing acne scars, chemical peels smooth away fine lines, mild skin discolorations, and treat actinic keratosis.

A Great Time to Get Rid of Acne Scars

There are a lot of misconceptions about chemical peels. For some, that means it gets put on the back burner of things to do. But the number one myth about chemical peels is that you will have to hide in your home for days after due to redness and flaking. That’s not true! A chemical skin peel can be stress-free with very little downtime if any at all.

Chemical peels now consist of gentler but more effective solutions. Patients can even opt for a lunchtime peel that takes about 20 minutes. There is minimal redness, and you can resume normal activities directly following the procedure.


However, keep in mind that chemical peels formulated to reach deeper skin layers may cause more apparent redness and flaking.

Acne scars can easily be reduced or eliminated with safe and effective chemical peels. Call us today to schedule a free consultation appointment.


Fall welcomes cooler temperatures and brisk breezes that bring a healthy, attractive glow to your cheeks. It’s also the time to wear cute, soft sweaters, leggings, and free-form hairstyles. While you sip your pumpkin spice, consider the following:

Chemicals peels rejuvenate your skin leaving your skin fresh and glowing. No more spending hours in the morning applying concealers, foundation, and powder. Just shower, get dressed, and be ready to greet the day.

The days are getting shorter and there is less sun. UV rays aren’t nearly as strong as they are during summer. You’ll still need to use sunscreen after your procedure, but you can go outside with less caution during fall versus summer.

The holiday season is upon us. Every year it sneaks right up. A chemical peel is a great way to get ready for the busy times during the season when makeup isn’t an option. For the gatherings you attend and everything between, a chemical peel can help revitalize your skin.

Get the look you want with a chemical peel this fall season at the NJVVC!

How to Prevent and Control Acne

How to Prevent and Control Acne

We all get them…pimples. If you haven’t had a few, then you just might be the luckiest person on earth. One pimple doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but when they begin to multiply, things can get out of control quickly. Many factors lead to uncontrollable acne, such as your daily routine, what you eat, and how you deal with a breakout. If you have concerns, here’s how to prevent and control acne.

Acne Prevention: Your Daily Routine 

It’s the small steps you take every day that add up and help prevent acne breakouts. Following the tips below will help keep acne away and help minimize any issues you may already have.
  • Wash your face – Twice daily with warm water and mild soap. A salicylic acid exfoliating cream cleanser or a lightweight cleanser with gentle foaming agents to remove surface debris will work best for acne prone skin.
  • Don’t touch – Avoid touching your face throughout the day and remember to wash your hands before doing so.
  • Wipe your phone – Clean your phone regularly and hold it away from your face while talking.
  • Clean your glasses – Glasses collect oils and dead skin. When you wash your face, you should wash your glasses too.
  • Change your pillow case – For the best results, change daily.
  • Hair care – Keep your hair clean and pulled back away from your face.
  • Avoid oil-based products – Choose skin, hair, and makeup products for sensitive skin that are non-comedogenic which do not clog pores.
  • Soften skin – Before shaving, use warm soapy water prior to applying shaving cream. Make sure your razor is sharp and clean.
  • Sun exposure – Many acne medications increase the risk of sunburn. Excessive sun exposure can cause the skin to produce more sebum or oil.
  • Anxiety and stress – Cortisol and adrenaline, both produced during high stress times will exacerbate acne.
  • Skin care products – It’s important to choose products that don’t irritate the skin and have been proven highly effective. SkinCeuticals, a widely trusted skin care product, has designed a multi-tasking blemish and age defense serum that fights the formation of acne, minimizes blemishes and scarring, and even reduces the signs of aging

Foods That Help Control Acne: You Are What You Eat 

There are many foods that are thought of as “acne causing” such as pizza, chocolate, fried foods, and caffeine. These foods have not been scientifically proven to bring about acne, but many people react to them by “breaking out” which has caused them to become synonymous.

Identify what triggers YOU to have acne and adjust your intake of those foods accordingly. Here are some of the most common foods that can cause breakouts and a few that will help control acne.

Just Say No

  • Sugar – Sugar raises your insulin level which has been linked to oil-triggering hormones. Soda is a major contributor of fructose or sugar that people ingest every day. Choose water and whole-grain options to keep your insulin levels even throughout the day and your skin healthier!
  • Iodine – Iodine builds up overtime in the body and causes acne. Choose foods such as shellfish, kelp, and spinach in moderation as eating them may cause large acne flareups.
  • Bread and Bagels – Try reducing gluten intake or go gluten free. Gluten increases systemic inflammation and inflammation is a trigger for acne.
  • You may have a sensitivity to gluten and not even be aware of it.
  • Dairy – Milk related products are hormone-dense. Acne has been linked to hormonal issues. If you have acne breakouts, dairy may be the culprit.

More Please!

  • Cruciferous Vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts
  • Grass-fed Protein
  • Healthy Fats – avocado, nuts, salmon, olives

Control Your Acne: When Acne Won’t Go Away

When you already have acne, prevention tips might stop future outbreaks but what can you do in the mean time? Here are some ways to handle the breakout you are experiencing right now.
  • No scrubbing – Scrubbing and/or rubbing your skin will further irritate the area. Use clean hands or a cloth to lightly pat or touch your skin.
  • Avoid popping pimples – This can push infection further down causing swelling and redness. Pooping pimples also leads to scarring.
  • Let your skin breathe – Keep your skin free of makeup whenever possible. If acne is on your back, shoulders, or chest, avoid tight clothing.
  • Chemical Peels – Chemical peels cause the skin’s top layer to peel away. This removes dead and damaged skin cells which aids in the production of new and healthier cells. Chemical peels will also help minimize scars from acne.
Acne is a common problem. It can be embarrassing for anyone, but treatment is available and has proven to be effective in many cases. For more information about how our skin care services and product line can help you control acne and prevent breakouts, Contact us today!
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