Poor Circulation in the Legs and Feet

Poor circulation can affect many areas of your body, including your legs, feet, and toes. There are many reasons for poor blood circulation in the legs and feet, and usually several things you can do to improve your circulation. It’s...

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Varicose veins on a person’s legs

Diet and Varicose Veins – What’s the Connection?

There’s an old saying, “You are what you eat.” This is particularly true for vein health. If you have been wondering about diet and varicose veins, you’ll be interested to learn what’s the connection. While a great diet can’t remove...

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How the Summer Heat Affects Your Veins

Summer is here! It’s the time of year to go to the beach, hike, or simply enjoy relaxing on your deck. Throughout the season, your first concern may be the sun's effect on your skin. But, did you know how...

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How Exercise Promotes Healthy Veins, older couple walking a dog in woods

How Exercise Promotes Healthy Veins

In this blog we break down the connection between exercise and healthy veins. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including which exercises are best for you. Exercise promotes a healthy body. It aids in strengthening your immune system, increases...

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