One of the many ways pregnancy can affect a woman’s body is through the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. Although not all women develop them during pregnancy, they are more common after multiple pregnancies and in women with a family history of them. While pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, it is also very challenging. Supporting a baby stresses the body and brings about some obvious and uncomfortable changes that leave many women wondering: When pregnancy veins won’t go away, what can be done?
If you develop varicose veins during pregnancy, you shouldn’t worry immediately.  It’s very common.  It would still be wise to let your doctor know about them.
If you didn’t have spider or varicose veins before pregnancy, your chances are pretty good that they’ll improve and possibly heal on their own.  Spider veins are usually temporary and improve a few months after you give birth.  If you did not have varicose veins before giving birth, they will likely shrink or disappear in a few months as well.  Although, they’re less likely to go away after multiple pregnancies.

What Can You Do in the Meantime?

  • Get rid of those extra pounds you gained during pregnancy.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Don’t cross your legs.
  • Don’t stand for extended periods.
  • Wear compression socks.
  • Be patient.
If three or four months have passed since giving birth, and you still have veins that bother you it’s probably time to seek treatment. Fortunately, there are safe and effective treatments available today that are far less invasive than older approaches.

Compression Therapy

It’s often recommended that women wear compression stockings to improve the circulation in their legs, either to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy or to deal with the symptoms. Compression therapy can be very helpful, but it should be overseen by a vein specialist. The level of compression needs to be correctly evaluated.


Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that only takes 15 to 60 minutes and requires no downtime. A solution is injected into the problem vein, causing it to collapse and be reabsorbed by the body. Larger veins may require multiple treatments.

Endovenous Laser Ablation

Endovenous Laser Ablation or EVLT remarkably effective treatment is also known as laser vein ablation. A catheter with a laser tip is inserted into the vein, guided by ultrasound. The laser then seals off the vein, diverting the blood flow. It only requires local anesthesia, is done in about an hour, and doesn’t require multiple sessions. 98% of patients experience immediate relief, and there is no interruption to your daily activities.

If you have concerns or questions about pregnancy veins and treatment options, please contact us. We offer care and treatment during and after pregnancy.
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