Do you have insurance concerns regarding varicose and spider veins? We’re here to help. Varicose veins are typically covered by many insurance companies, while spider veins are not. However, this depends on what type of insurance you have and the circumstances based on your individual condition. Let’s take a closer look.

Vein disease (varicose and spider veins) is a very real ailment. The common misconception that they are both only cosmetic issues, leads many patients to ignore the signs and symptoms associated with vein disease which includes pain, leg restlessness, and protruding discomfort. A patient’s experience of these symptoms is a sign that corrective procedures must to be done to alleviate the problem. These indicators are also significant to insurance companies regarding coverage.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins result from damage to the tiny valves within the vein walls. Once they’re damaged, blood can no longer flow efficiently from the foot back to the heart. Blood moving in opposite directions results in stagnating blood and causes varicose vein disease.

Since most varicose veins are a medical necessity, insurance companies will cover it.

Medical necessities include:

  • Venous Insufficiency
  • Pain and Leg Cramps
  • Ulcers on the Legs
  • Bleeding from Varicose Veins
  • Presence of Reflux on Ultrasound
Some insurance carriers will require three months of conservative therapy before they will consider treatment a covered medical expense.
Conservative therapy includes:

  • wearing compression stockings everyday
  • leg elevation
  • weight loss

Spider Veins

60% of adults have spider veins, which are caused by pressure of body weight along with gravity, struggling to get blood to the heart.

These thin blue, red, and purple lines are generally harmless and pose no medical threats.

Spider veins are rarely covered by insurance companies as it’s typically considered a “cosmetic” treatment.
Ways to reduce the formation of spider veins:

  • quitting smoking
  • losing weight
  • exercising
It’s important to note, that 1 in 4 people with clusters of spider veins actually have vein disease which can be painful like varicose veins.
That’s why it’s important for people with spider veins to have a full diagnostic exam done using an ultrasound to determine the diagnosis.
Treatment for spider veins may be covered by insurance based on exam results.
Each patient’s needs are unique. Contact New Jersey Vein and Vascular Center for more information on varicose and spider veins or to schedule a free screening and consultation.
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