The Effects of Sleep on Your Health

The Effects of Sleep on Your Health

How well did you sleep last night? If you didn’t get a full seven or eight hours, you aren’t alone. About one-third of adults get less sleep than recommended, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s important to understand the effects of sleep on your health.

Bouncing between work, family, friends, and responsibilities can leave very little time for rest. However, when you don’t get your daily recommended dose, you are putting your routine and health at risk.

Sleep and Your Immune System

Everyone knows that sleep is important for both mental and physical recovery. Without the proper amount of rest, your body is in danger of infection and disease.

When you choose to stay up over going to bed, your body starts to produce fewer cytokines. Cytokines are essential proteins that promote sleep. These proteins are very important when you’re sick, as the body needs more rest.

Studies have shown that when your body is sleep deprived you are more susceptible to infection. Even coming into contact with simple viruses such as the common cold puts you at risk of becoming very ill.

Long-term and serious problems from lack of sleep include diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, obesity, depression, and lower sex drive.

Sleep and Your Personal Life

There are many short-term effects from lack of sleep that can occur even when missing as little as 1.5 hours. These effects include lowered alertness and the inability to remember and process information.

Surprisingly, scientists have stated that when we sleep our memory may be emptying unneeded knowledge. It does this to free up space for new information and memories we make in the future. Without clearing this  knowledge, it’s difficult for us to grasp new information.

Being able to properly process what you are being told, whether it’s at work or school, is important for keeping your job or maintaining a good GPA. Lack of sleep can also make you moody and more likely to have conflicts with family and co-workers. 

Sleep and Your Veins and Arteries

According to research recently reported by Science News, people who do not get enough sleep have lower levels of good cholesterol. Sleep usually protects your arteries by removing bad cholesterol.

When bad cholesterol isn’t removed, it builds up in your arteries causing heart disease. Atherosclerosis, a condition caused by plaque buildup in the arteries, increases the risk of heart health issues and stroke.

Just one week of fewer hours of sleep changes your immune responses and metabolism. The metabolic processes needed to keep good cholesterol flowing through the body is affected.

Not only have artery problems been found more often in people who sleep less but vein issues arise as well. In a recent study, scientists saw a decrease in three major miRNAs.

RNAs are vital for the cardiovascular process. When we have fewer of these essential micro RNAs, our veins become inflamed much easier. Inflammation of the veins leads to blood clotting, stroke, and heart attack.

Varicose Veins and Sleep Problems

About six quarts of blood circulate three times every minute throughout your body. This blood carries essential oxygen and nutrients to every cell. When blood flow changes due to varicose veins, more than appearance is at stake.

Varicose veins can cause restless leg syndrome. This may interrupt your sleep-wake cycle, sometimes to a worrisome degree.

Restless leg syndrome just about always occurs when you are laying down or sitting. This specific issue is defined as the irresistible urge to move your legs.

When you are trying to get some sleep, the only way to stop the uncomfortable feeling is to get up and walk around. However, this only removes the issue for a short period of time.

People with RLS report fewer hours of sleep than those without. Typically, they get less than 5 hours of sleep each night.

How Much Sleep Do We Need?

By now you’ve probably heard it a hundred times, but you can never hear it enough. When it comes to sleep, children should have 9-10 hours while adults should have 7-8 hours of uninterrupted rest.

During this time, you should remove anything that may interfere with sleep. Why we need this amount of rest is currently unknown, but we do know it’s vital for staying healthy and happy. 

If you have been feeling lucky because you sleep less than the recommended amount but still feel fine – beware! You may be wrong about not needing the same amount of rest as everyone else.

Researchers believe while some people may not feel tired with less rest, the lack of sleep catches up to individuals as they get older.

Fix Your Sleeping Habits

When your sleep schedule gets messed up, it can be hard to get back into a good routine. Here are some tips to getting that much-needed rest:

  • If you’re feeling fatigued during the day, start small. Moving your bedtime up 10-15 minutes is a good way to get used to going to bed early. 
  • Everyone loves a good nap, but your body doesn’t like it as much as you may think. When it comes to naps, you should only be sleeping for 20-30 minutes before 3 pm; never after.
  • Caffeine is the enemy to sleep. Try avoiding anything caffeinated in the late afternoon.
  • Exerting energy is a sure-fire way of going to sleep early. Make plans to go to the gym for a good run or lift.

NJVVC Can Help You

If your vein problems are affecting your sleep, we have solutions. Our specialists offer the world’s most advanced methods in medical diagnostic technologies.

We can recommend a specialized and precise treatment plan for your unique situation. Our services will relieve your worrisome symptoms and improve your health and appearance.

Please contact us with your questions and concerns or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you! 

9 Hidden Health Risks of Untreated Varicose Veins

9 Hidden Health Risks of Untreated Varicose Veins

When one thinks of vein treatment, often what immediately comes to mind is the aesthetic aspect. But there are hidden health risks of untreated varicose veins. Varicose, spider, reticular, and pregnancy veins are all considered unsightly. While many may not care to invest in treating vein conditions and are willing to accept the look of their blue, red or purplish veins, this certainly isn’t the only reason to consider having vein treatments. The truth is, some vein conditions carry their share of risks as well as discomfort, and if left untreated can lead to larger issues.
Varicose veins are a common symptom of age (especially in women), a sedentary lifestyle, and excess body weight, among other genetic factors. Most people consider them more of an unsightly cosmetic inconvenience, rather than an actual health risk.

Learn the Health Risks of Untreated Varicose Veins:

If left untreated for a prolonged period, varicose veins pose some potential major health risks that could leave you hospitalized and in pain.

1. Changes in Skin

The skin near an untreated varicose vein will turn “shiny”, feel waxy and thin, and take on a darker, almost bruised pigmentation. This will  deepen over time without treatment. The skin around a varicose vein is easily disturbed and delicate enough to be damaged by a slight bump. Heavy bruising is not uncommon.

While not a serious health risk, this symptom causes many to feel self-conscious about their skin. Dermatitis from the varicose vein could lead to infection if not treated properly.

2. Itching

One of the most common symptoms of untreated varicose veins is an “itching” sensation. It is often treated as dry skin if varicose veins are not obvious. This symptom is one of the mildest on this list and can often be treated with over-the-counter skin salves and ointments. Seeking the opinion of a specialist is important to make sure that there aren’t serious issues happening beneath the skin.

3. Swelling

Varicose veins can cause far more problems than meets the eye. Don’t think that they are simply visible little veins. They are visible for a reason. When blood isn’t pumping out of the legs properly due to damaged valves within the vein walls, blood begins to collect. This enlarges parts of the veins where blood is stagnant.

While some people may never feel any discomfort due to appearance of varicose veins, there are many who experience leg swelling, cramps, restlessness, and even burning sensations.

4. Pain and Cramping

Because varicose veins affect the flow of blood through the veins, oxygen that is carried through the blood does not reach the proper areas, leading to muscle cramps near the site of the vein. These cramps are painful, sometimes debilitating, and can severely affect mobility.

5. Bleeding

Some experience bleeding when veins close to the skin burst. While this isn’t usually a very serious health risk it’s important to have veins checked and treated so it does not continue to occur. Bleeding can sometimes prove heavy. In cases of bleeding, it is important to seek medical assistance. 

6. Ulcers Due to Untreated Varicose Veins

Venous diseases can also cause leg ulcers. An ulcer is a break in the skin, which is dangerous due to exposure to bacteria and infection. According to Mayo Clinic, these ulcers are caused by long-term fluid buildup in the tissues surrounding the varicose veins due to “increased pressure of the blood within the affected veins”. These ulcers are slow-healing, painful, and can even be caused simply by scratching the skin over a varicose vein.

Leg ulcers can easily get infected and lead to further health complications. Treating a varicose vein is paramount to treating an ulcer, as the ulcer is not likely to heal while the vein is still affected. Healing leg ulcers can take a very long time and often require a wound care specialist. This can be avoided with proper vein treatment before the ulcers take hold.

7. Superficial Thrombophlebitis

This condition occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein that is close to the skin, causing it to swell and push against the dermis (layer of skin under the epidermis), making it visible. This symptom causes discomfort and can lead to more complications, since the vein is more vulnerable to damage or irritation. 

8. Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clots)

When varicose veins are present, the blood in the veins is unable to cycle back through and pools in the body. This creates what is called “stagnant blood flow”. A blood clot located in deep veins is known as deep vein thrombosis. While superficial veins are not at risk for deep vein thrombosis, often those who experience discomfort from varicose veins may not realize that perhaps their discomfort is from deep veins.

Blood clots for superficial veins are often not much of a health problem; however, according to WebMD clots found in deep veins have the potential to travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, causing potentially life-threatening issues. This is one of the most serious health risks associated with untreated varicose veins.

9. Lipodermatosclerosis

The appearance of veins may indeed be a warning of a bigger issue, which is why it’s important to have them checked by a doctor. For example, varicose veins are a key symptom in an illness called Lipodermatosclerosis. The National Institute of Health says those suffering from this disease suffer “pain, hardening of skin, change in skin color, swelling, and tapering of legs above the ankles.” It’s important to start recommended treatment to control symptoms, as in more severe cases surgery may be necessary.

Don’t Ignore Unsightly Veins

While many unsightly veins prove simply superficial, there are potential risks to ignoring them. It is important to have visible veins checked, and if necessary, treatment by a medical professional to avoid future issues that may cause discomfort, stress, and serious health problems.

Call today to schedule an appointment at The New Jersey Vein and Vascular Center, a leading center for treatment of varicose vein disease and venous insufficiency, or visit our website for more information.

Are You at Risk for Varicose Veins?

Are You at Risk for Varicose Veins?

Are you more susceptible to developing varicose veins? Are you at risk for varicose veins? There are many factors that may be putting you at risk for the development of these sometimes large and tunnel-like blood vessels.

Are you overweight?

Excess weight not only poses health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, it can make you more prone to developing varicose veins.

The added weight on your legs also means more pressure on your veins.

How old are you? Is there a family history?

While varicose veins do not always discriminate on the basis of age, getting older can put you at risk for varicose veins because of the natural wear and tear of vessels.


Genes also can play a significant role in the susceptibility of developing varicose veins. Just around half of people with varicose veins admit to family members also having them.

Is your job cramping your style? Are you experiencing hormonal changes?

Jobs that require you to stand or sit for long periods of time can put you at risk for varicose veins.

Staying in the same position for hours can put a lot of pressure on the veins of your legs, making you more prone to varicose veins.

The hormonal changes that accompany both pregnancy and menopause can lead to relaxation of vein walls, in turn weakening the veins and making them more susceptible to swelling.

Are you doomed to have varicose veins? 

Not necessarily. There are many ways to reduce your risk.

  • Stay active whenever possible. Going for a quick walk during a lunch break can go a long way in reducing your chances of developing varicose veins.
  • Compression is your friend. Compression socks, stockings or bandages can help to alleviate some of the stress on your legs and keep blood from pooling.
  • Rest! While staying active is vital in maintaining vascular health, resting and elevation are just as important, especially if you work a job that requires you to stand for long periods of time.
For more information about varicose veins and their treatment, contact NJVVC today!
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