A mainly sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the pain and appearance of varicose veins. One of the best ways to improve them is to participate in an exercise program that improves circulation without putting too much stress on your legs and helps with maintaining a healthy weight. Sports and exercising prevent varicose veins so get up and start moving.


Walking couple exercising varicose veins

Do get out and walk! Walking is probably one of the most important and recommended exercise for varicose vein sufferers, as it is fairly gentle on your legs while promoting circulation. So instead of just grabbing the mail, walk around the block and get your body moving!


Running grass woman

Don’t jog or run on hard surfaces. The literal “pounding the pavement” can stress the legs, causing swelling of varicose veins. Instead, try a gentle jog on an even, softer surface such as grass.


woman pool swimming

Do get in the water! Swimming is a great low-impact exercise that can further develop your calf muscles and aid in improving circulation. This exercise can be done at any level and is great for summer fun.


mature woman heavy weightlifting

Don’t participate in high-impact exercise. Heavy weightlifting, while a great workout, can be dangerous for a varicose vein sufferer, as it can put too much strain on the veins of your legs. Using lighter weights with fewer repetitions may be an option if weightlifting is something you love to do. Other such exercises include squats, lunges, and even yoga. Any exercise that increases abdominal pressure can increase leg vein pressure, leading to pain and swelling of varicose veins.


family biking park grass

Do get out and bike! Cycling, like walking and swimming, is an ideal low-impact activity that improves circulation while building and strengthening leg muscles. Take a family bike ride in your neighborhood or bring your bike to the park to see more wildlife.


mature woman tennis

Don’t participate in contact sports. In sports such as football, rugby, and even tennis and skiing. The high probability of injury and sudden, quick movement can be counterproductive to leg vein health.


walkers legs

Starting with walking, cycling, or swimming for 30 minutes a day is a great way to alleviate the pain and appearance of varicose veins.

For more information about your vascular health, contact NJVVC today!


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