If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from varicose veins or any other circulatory issues, chances are you also suffer from pain and discomfort in your legs, feet, and ankles as well. So, how does poor circulation affect the health of your feet and ankles? Well, Podiatry explains that just like most mechanical things, one small issue somewhere in the body can cause bigger issues elsewhere. Understanding how these things are interconnected can help us stay healthier by way of preventive maintenance.


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Chronic Venous Insufficiency

One of the most common circulatory problems that are the source of varicose veins is Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). According to the Society for Vascular Surgery, this condition may affect up to 40% of the United States population, especially women. Patients usually begin to notice symptoms around 50 years of age and above, but it is not unheard of to meet patients suffering from CVI at younger ages as well.


varicose spider veins

Deep vs Surface Veins

If the affected veins are near your skin, you will notice that the veins in your legs and feet bulge out, look twisted, and are usually a darkish purple color. Sometimes it can look as if you have a bunch of purple grapes bunched up underneath your skin. You may experience your legs and feet feeling achy, tired, or heavy. If the problem veins are closer to the bones, they may not be as obvious, but you will experience chronic swelling in your legs, feet, and ankles, accompanied by aching, tiredness and heaviness in the legs and feet.



massage foot pain

Peripheral Artery Disease

Another medical diagnosis for leg and foot discomfort could be Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). This will cause burning feet due to poor circulation to the area. Peripheral Artery Disease is when the long arteries in your legs become narrower and harder, which in turn limits the blood supply to your legs and feet.

foot rub

What’s the Damage?

Both CVI and PAD can result in nerve damage in the legs called neuropathy. And though it is statistically proven that around 70% of those with neuropathy suffer from diabetes, there are a number of other factors that can cause leg and foot pain as well. So what can we do to prevent the increase in circulatory problems that result in foot pain? The answer is actually an easy one and costs little to no money: daily exercise.


women yoga

Become Proactive

Cholesterol and fat are one of the main causes of bad veins (and arteries) due to blockage. When your veins and arteries become clogged due to cholesterol and fat, it becomes more difficult for blood to circulate to and from vital parts or your body (and every part is vital). Exercise also keeps your veins and arteries flexible. This is important because blood pressure can vary depending upon a large number of factors. If your veins and arteries are not elastic enough, this can cause some issues, that in turn may turn into other unforeseeable health problems. Exercise also helps in maintaining a good, healthy weight. Obesity is directly linked to poor circulation and also varicose veins.

For more information of the health of your veins, Contact Us today!

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