How Proper Moisturizing Protects Your Skin

How Proper Moisturizing Protects Your Skin

Has the weather made your skin dry? Are you fighting the signs of aging? Do you want healthy looking skin? Hydrate your face and reap the rewards. Here’s how proper moisturizing protects your skin:

The Benefits of Moisturizer

  • Offers protection from the sun (don’t forget your SPF)
  • Reduces dry, flaking skin and redness
  • Soothes skin irritations and acne
  • Fights pollutants that break down skin’s appearance
  • Prevents fine lines and wrinkles
  • Provides elasticity to skin and a supple look
  • Deters skin discoloration and dullness

Skin Protection Basics

Moisturizing techniques are different for various skin types, but several rules apply to all faces:

Nightime Routine

Before bed, remove all makeup and wash your face thoroughly. This will help to eliminate particles of pollution, bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of your skin. If you don’t remove them, they can cause premature aging of your face.

Gently dry your face. Apply topical medications, anti-aging serums, and eye creams. The skin on your eyelids and under your eyes is thinner than on other parts of your body. This makes it less able to retain moisture. Which is why, eye cream is essential for ageless looking skin.

Products with Hyaluronic Acid in them will help lock in the moisture. Utilize a thick and creamy lotion as your final layer to lock in moisture. Allow nighttime creams and moisturizers time to soak in before going to bed.

Morning Routine

Wash your face in the morning to refresh for the day. Use a lotion with SP. This is the most important part of your morning routine. SPF30 or higher is recommended. This will help fight skin cancer and the signs of aging.

Choose a moisturizer that is vitamin rich to help your skin deal with environmental stressors. Your daytime moisturizer should be lightweight so that it soaks in quickly for on-the-go application.

Moisturizing for Your Skin Type

Use your skin type as a guide to maximize your moisturizing results.

Youthful Skin

Always protect your skin from the sun with SPF. Follow the skin protection basics from above. Choose a daily lotion that is geared towards your type of skin: oily, dry, combination, or sensitive. Provide your eyes with some extra moisturizer to delay the signs of aging.

Dry Skin

Use a cleanser that has a creamy, lotion, or a milk texture. Then, use a lotion that is good for dry skin. Read labels and look for hydrating compounds such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or moisturizing oil. You do not want a product that contains sulfates as this will make dry skin even drier.

Oily Skin

Wash your face in the morning and before going to bed; don’t over wash! Washing your face more than three times a day has been shown to make skin irritations including acne worse.

Use a cleanser with pore-cleaning properties such as charcoal, clay, or exfoliating alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Use a skin lotion that is formulated for oily skin. The right moisturizer will not increase the oiliness of your skin, it will hydrate and help your skin produce less oil.

Aging Skin

Do not scrub your face. Apply lotion in the morning, night, and after taking a shower. Using lotion after taking a shower is important because it locks in moisture. Utilize innovative skincare solutions that address key skincare concerns, including signs of aging, discoloration, elasticity, and firmness.

Show your eyes some extra love and give them the moisture they’ve been craving with a rejuvenating cream that contains Hyaluronic Acid and caffeine.

We recommend NEOCUTIS, one of the world’s most trusted skincare brands. Their products are based on cutting-edge scientific research and are individualized according to specific needs.

This brand is the gold standard for lotions that minimize signs of aging, discoloration, oxidative stress, redness, and dryness.

Hydration for Your Skin 

Staying well hydrated keeps you healthy. Simply drinking enough fluids helps to control weight, balance your moods, improve sleep, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, keep joints and muscles lubricated reducing inflammation, and slows the aging process.
One of the most noticeable benefits of drinking enough liquids is the impact it has on your skin. It flushes the toxins away, helps maintain elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and improves oily skin and acne. Drinking water is a great way to hydrate your skin from the inside out!

If you have questions about your skincare routine or would like more information about the skincare products and services we offer, please contact us on our website or give us a call 862-251-7111.

Visit our homepage to look for our upcoming Open House! RSVP and receive discounts, free samples and demonstrations.

Three Essential Skincare Tips for Men

Three Essential Skincare Tips for Men

Men often face the same complicated skincare problems as women such as wrinkles, dryness, dark spots, and adult acne, but it gets spoken about a lot less. We do get many requests for skincare tips for men.

Fortunately, solving these problems doesn’t have to be complicated, time consuming or involve multiple skincare products.

In fact, your skincare daily routine doesn’t have to take longer than five minutes a day to complete! By following these three simple but essential skincare steps for men, one can achieve clearer, younger-looking skin without a hassle.

1) Get in a Daily Routine 

Cleanse Your Face Daily
Taking care of your skin should be a part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. Cleanse your skin once or twice a day using a gentle cleanser and follow up with a moisturizer.

To see the best results, use products that are tailored to your skin type.  If you have issues with acne, dark spots, or wrinkles, add in an additional serum or cream once a day to problem areas.

If you are looking a highly-effective and specialized line of skin care products, our exclusive Neocutis line will help you start a skincare routine that will give your skin the essentials it needs to look its best.

2) Exfoliate 

Facial Peel
Exfoliating your skin regularly will remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and create a dull appearance. You should exfoliate once or twice a week with products that are safe to use at home. This takes about the same amount of time as washing your face and you can use basic items from around your kitchen, like sugar or lemon juice.

For a deeper cleaning of your pores, we recommend a professional Chemical Peel. A Chemical Peel is non-surgical procedure performed that will instantly improve skin tone and texture. In our offices, we analyze your skin to develop a customized Chemical Peel treatment plan, ensuring you achieve your desired results.

One of our most popular treatment plans is our lunchtime peel, a 30-minute procedure that has instant results and allows patients to return to work the same day without having to worry about redness or peeling.

3) Protect Your Skin

Protect Your Skin
Whether you’re spending all day in meetings or on a basketball court, always wear sunscreen. The sun and UV rays cause damage to your skin, increasing your risk of skin cancer and aging your appearance.

Our SkinCeuticals broad spectrum sunscreens deflect and absorb damaging UVA and UVB rays and offer a range of protective formulas for a variety of skin types and lifestyles.

Simply apply a non-greasy, quick drying sunscreen after washing your face in the morning and you’ll be set for the rest of the day!

When you have concerns about your skin, it is important to consult with a skincare professional. Everyone likes to look and feel their best. At NJVVC, we really do understand the concerns you may have with your skin.

Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

How dangerous is the sun? How important is protecting your skin from the sun? There are many elements to factor into this equation. With the right precautions, you can enjoy those blissful rays of sunshine without having to worry about causing permanent damage to your skin or increasing your chances of developing various types of skin cancers. Sun damage develops over time, so it is never too late to get started protecting your skin from the sun.  It’s easy to begin a regimen and implement it in your everyday life.

Excessive exposure to the sun can affect your skin in various ways. Some changes, like increased wrinkles and more prominent freckles, may be frustrating but not necessarily dangerous. However, changes in color or unusual marks may indicate a deeper problem, like the early stages of skin cancer. To protect your skin from the sun, there are several things to keep in mind.

Maximum Exposure Times

The sun is most intense between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. If you look down and notice a shorter shadow, try to find some shade. While these are the prime hours for sun exposure, spending more than fifteen minutes out in the sun warrants some protection for your skin.

Protecting Your Skin

If relying on shade is not an option, there are a few other things you can do to protect your skin:

Wear Sunscreen 

Aim for one that is at least SPF 30 to deflect and absorb damaging UV rays. SkinCeuticals offers a variety of sunscreen formulas, from mattifying sunscreens for oily skin to water resistant sunscreens specifically designed for extreme outdoor workouts. Apply at least 15 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours, or after swimming or sweating.

Apply Protective Lip Balm   

Many people forget to protect their lips when venturing out into the sun, even though they are highly susceptible to burns. Be sure to apply a protective lip balm every hour.

Shield Your Eyes

The sun can wreak havoc on the eyes, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging. It could also cause cataracts, which affect your vision. Cover your eyes, and the skin around them, with sunglasses. Wider lenses offer more protection, and make sure they have a label indicating 100% protection from UV rays.

Hang on to Your Hat 

Create your own shade with a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face, ears, and neck.

Choose UPF Clothing 

Like sunscreen, UPF clothing ranges from 15 to 50+, with higher levels offering more protection. These clothes have a special coating that help absorb UVA and UVB rays. Darker, tightly woven fabrics also provide more protection in general.

Treating Damaged Skin

There are several moisturizing creams and anti-inflammatories available for relieving sunburns. Even wearing sunscreen on a daily basis can help your skin heal and possibly reverse the damage.  However, if blisters develop, you should seek medical care.

You should also watch for other warning signs, like freckles or other marks that are unusual in shape or color. Many symptoms of skin damage can be treated by medical professionals if caught in the early stages.

Sun Exposure and Damage: Q & A

Question: “How long can I safely be exposed to the sun, without sunscreen?”

Answer: It’s difficult to say. In the past, the ozone layer helped protect us by blocking the harmful UV rays. Over the years the ozone layer has decreased due to air pollution and other environmental factors as stated by the American Skin Association We now need to better protect ourselves. Although a few minutes here and there, should be OK and can be beneficial, limit time to 10 – 15 minutes a day.

Question: “When do I need to wear sunscreen?”

Answer: The sun doesn’t sleep in the winter or even on a cloudy day. In fact, cloudy days can even be worse because you don’t feel the rays coming through as much. But guess what? They are still there. Incorporate sunscreen into your daily skin routine for maximum protection from the sun.

Question: “Is there any way to reverse or stop sun damage once you have gotten it?

Answer: Keeping up with regular sun protection throughout the year definitely does help and can reverse or even stop further damage. Other things to do along with sunscreen use that can help are moisturizing, exfoliation (to remove dead cells), staying hydrated, and always follow your doctor’s orders if there are any concerns.
Protecting your skin from the sun is a necessary way to keep your skin healthy and looking youthful. Utilize protection everyday for the best results. Not sure which one to try? SkinCeuticals offers a range of protection for varying skin types and lifestyles, that deflect and absorb those harmful rays. To find the best one for you check out their line of products here:
How to Prevent and Control Acne

How to Prevent and Control Acne

We all get them…pimples. If you haven’t had a few, then you just might be the luckiest person on earth. One pimple doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but when they begin to multiply, things can get out of control quickly. Many factors lead to uncontrollable acne, such as your daily routine, what you eat, and how you deal with a breakout. If you have concerns, here’s how to prevent and control acne.

Acne Prevention: Your Daily Routine 

It’s the small steps you take every day that add up and help prevent acne breakouts. Following the tips below will help keep acne away and help minimize any issues you may already have.
  • Wash your face – Twice daily with warm water and mild soap. A salicylic acid exfoliating cream cleanser or a lightweight cleanser with gentle foaming agents to remove surface debris will work best for acne prone skin.
  • Don’t touch – Avoid touching your face throughout the day and remember to wash your hands before doing so.
  • Wipe your phone – Clean your phone regularly and hold it away from your face while talking.
  • Clean your glasses – Glasses collect oils and dead skin. When you wash your face, you should wash your glasses too.
  • Change your pillow case – For the best results, change daily.
  • Hair care – Keep your hair clean and pulled back away from your face.
  • Avoid oil-based products – Choose skin, hair, and makeup products for sensitive skin that are non-comedogenic which do not clog pores.
  • Soften skin – Before shaving, use warm soapy water prior to applying shaving cream. Make sure your razor is sharp and clean.
  • Sun exposure – Many acne medications increase the risk of sunburn. Excessive sun exposure can cause the skin to produce more sebum or oil.
  • Anxiety and stress – Cortisol and adrenaline, both produced during high stress times will exacerbate acne.
  • Skin care products – It’s important to choose products that don’t irritate the skin and have been proven highly effective. SkinCeuticals, a widely trusted skin care product, has designed a multi-tasking blemish and age defense serum that fights the formation of acne, minimizes blemishes and scarring, and even reduces the signs of aging

Foods That Help Control Acne: You Are What You Eat 

There are many foods that are thought of as “acne causing” such as pizza, chocolate, fried foods, and caffeine. These foods have not been scientifically proven to bring about acne, but many people react to them by “breaking out” which has caused them to become synonymous.

Identify what triggers YOU to have acne and adjust your intake of those foods accordingly. Here are some of the most common foods that can cause breakouts and a few that will help control acne.

Just Say No

  • Sugar – Sugar raises your insulin level which has been linked to oil-triggering hormones. Soda is a major contributor of fructose or sugar that people ingest every day. Choose water and whole-grain options to keep your insulin levels even throughout the day and your skin healthier!
  • Iodine – Iodine builds up overtime in the body and causes acne. Choose foods such as shellfish, kelp, and spinach in moderation as eating them may cause large acne flareups.
  • Bread and Bagels – Try reducing gluten intake or go gluten free. Gluten increases systemic inflammation and inflammation is a trigger for acne.
  • You may have a sensitivity to gluten and not even be aware of it.
  • Dairy – Milk related products are hormone-dense. Acne has been linked to hormonal issues. If you have acne breakouts, dairy may be the culprit.

More Please!

  • Cruciferous Vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts
  • Grass-fed Protein
  • Healthy Fats – avocado, nuts, salmon, olives

Control Your Acne: When Acne Won’t Go Away

When you already have acne, prevention tips might stop future outbreaks but what can you do in the mean time? Here are some ways to handle the breakout you are experiencing right now.
  • No scrubbing – Scrubbing and/or rubbing your skin will further irritate the area. Use clean hands or a cloth to lightly pat or touch your skin.
  • Avoid popping pimples – This can push infection further down causing swelling and redness. Pooping pimples also leads to scarring.
  • Let your skin breathe – Keep your skin free of makeup whenever possible. If acne is on your back, shoulders, or chest, avoid tight clothing.
  • Chemical Peels – Chemical peels cause the skin’s top layer to peel away. This removes dead and damaged skin cells which aids in the production of new and healthier cells. Chemical peels will also help minimize scars from acne.
Acne is a common problem. It can be embarrassing for anyone, but treatment is available and has proven to be effective in many cases. For more information about how our skin care services and product line can help you control acne and prevent breakouts, Contact us today!
Melasma: Symptoms and Treatment

Melasma: Symptoms and Treatment

Have you noticed skin discoloration on your face or chest? Melasma, a common skin problem, often presents as tan, brown or greyish-blue marks on the parts of our bodies that get the most sun. While this skin issue appears on a lot of women during pregnancy, men and woman of all ages are susceptible.

 What is Melasma?  

Melasma is a skin discoloration condition that most commonly affects women between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. It can also affect men; however, it is extremely rare. Melasma normally appears on the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead, chin, and upper lip in the form of dark irregularly-shaped blotches.

Pregnant women, those who take chemical contraceptives, or postmenopausal women who take progesterone replacement therapy commonly come down with this condition.  Melasma in pregnant women is also known as chloasma, or “the mask of pregnancy”.

 Cause and Symptoms of Melasma?  

At the bottom end of your outer layer of skin, you have cells called melanocytes. These are what produce melanin. A change in your progesterone and estrogen levels combined with sun exposure can stimulate the irregular production of melanin. This is the most common cause of melasma. In and of itself, this condition causes no other symptoms beyond the skin blotches. It is a cosmetic condition and has not been linked to cancer or any other dangerous skin diseases.

However, autoimmune thyroid disease and Addison’s disease have been associated with melasma. The development of Addison’s disease can cause melasma above the kidney area. Therefore, if discoloration occurs in other areas than your face, you may want to consult a doctor for additional information and testing.

Can It be Treated?  

Fortunately, there are several treatment options for this condition. There are many topical treatments that will reduce melasma such as hydroquinone, cysteine hydrochloride, or azelaic acid. Some patients also respond to microdermabrasion which removes the outer layer of skin reducing dark areas.
The top product on the market, and most recommended by skin care professionals, to aid in skin discoloration treatment is SkinCeuticals’ Advanced Pigment Corrector. This cream offers a multi-layered hyperpigmentation correction that is proven effective without harmful side-effects. This topical solution exfoliates existing spots, inhibits melanin transfer, blocks excess melanin, and boosts pigment resistance.
At the New Jersey Vein and Vascular Center, we also offer an effective chemical peel technique that can be utilized with SkinCeuticals products to offer maximum results. Our skilled staff will be able to resurface your skin for a reasonable cost that will help reduce the discoloration and give your skin an overall improved, more even tone.

Melasma can develop slowly and it takes a while to clear up.  Skin type plays a role in determining the best treatment.  Melasma caused by serious sun exposure can be the most difficult to treat.

Preventing Melasma 

While there are many cures, including our chemical peels and SkinCeuticals products, you can take preventive measures to lessen your odds of acquiring melasma.
Avoid excess sun exposure, and wear shade-giving hats if you must be outside for a long duration of time.  Sunblock and sunglasses are extremely important as well.  A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 which contains physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide is recommended.
Contact NJVVC today for more information about reducing uneven skin and achieving a more youthful glowing look.
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