Latest News and Information from The New Jersey Vein and Vascular Center
Leg Exfoliation – Pros & Cons
Are you thinking about adding leg exfoliation to your beauty routine? If so, you’re on the right track. Leg exfoliation is an easy way to get softer, smoother, more attractive legs. But there are important things to know. Before you chose your exfoliation method, read our leg exfoliation pros and cons.

Get your Legs Ready for Summer!
Summer is the time to relax and have fun. Whether you’re lounging around the pool or shopping in your local farmer’s market, you want to look and feel your best. Before the heat sends us running for shorts, sundresses, and bathing suits, is a great time to get your...

Leg Pain – When Should I See a Doctor?
We all want to take good care of our health. But no one wants to visit a doctor unnecessarily. However, you may wonder with leg pain—when should I see a doctor? Here are helpful facts about when to contact a doctor about your leg pain. Legs Are Complex Legs...

Does Genetics Play a Role in Varicose Veins?
Many people with varicose veins wonder if genetics played a role in their development—or if it destines them to get varicose veins if a parent has them. Is the answer all in your genes? And if it’s true that genetics plays a role in varicose veins, is there anything...

Spider Veins on Ankles and How To Treat Them
Do you have clusters of red, blue, or purple veins on your ankles or feet? Are these veins thin and close to the surface of the skin? If so, it sounds like you have spider veins. Many people come to our vein center asking about the spider veins on their ankles and how...

Vitamins for Healthy Skin
What we eat affects our skin’s appearance as much as the products we use regularly. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that you eat healthy foods that contain the following vitamins for healthy skin.

Does Health Insurance Cover Varicose Vein Treatment?
Do you feel leg pain from varicose veins? Are you embarrassed to wear shorts or a bathing suit because of the varicose veins on your thighs? If so, treatment is available. But will your health insurance cover your varicose vein treatment? Medical Necessity vs Cosmetic...